air bed

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air bed

an inflatable mattress
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

air bed

n (Brit) → materassino gonfiabile
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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On other occasions, patients had slept on an air bed because no proper bed was available.
For every purchase of three pasalubong packs, a customer may choose from a wide selection of freebies such as luggage, electric fan, rice cooker, toaster, a toy car, air bed and others.
I offered to bring my own air bed. The host insisted on providing an air bed from her daughter.
Or deflating an air bed and putting it back into its box?
They noticed that all hotel rooms in the city were booked, because there was a large conference in town.The youngsters bought a few air-mattresses and quickly put up a site called "Air Bed and Breakfast.
But one resident, sleeping on an air bed at Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre, said: "Apparently we've been living in a death trap for six years - fair play, they got us out.
One Taplow tower block resident now on an air bed at Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre said: "I have to go to work on Monday.
Asda, PS6 or two for PS9 SAVE: PS3 THE AIR BED: Double flocked air bed, Halfords.
| It's National Camping Week, and Heno starts the week with hints and tips for happy campers - we promise to fix the stove, inflate the air bed and un-jam that zip that never quite closes!
"We needed a full-time assistant and an air bed urgently," she recalls.
" We needed a full- time assistant and an air bed urgently," she recalls.