aeronautical chart

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aeronautical chart

A specialized representation of mapped features of the Earth, or some part of it, produced to show selected terrain, cultural and hydrographic features, and supplemental information required for air navigation, pilotage, or for planning air operations.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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More details such as weather patterns, flight paths, and even aeronautical chart histories.
She said the idea came to her when she received the 2018 Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission official aeronautical chart during the Oklahoma Women in Aviation & Aerospace Day event held in Tulsa.
Where there is no tower, CTAF, or UNICOM station listed for an airport on an aeronautical chart, you should
The broadcaster also aired footage of an aeronautical chart it said showed a Qatari fighter jet flying across the flight path of a just-passed Etihad airliner, both at 2,400 metres (8,000 feet).
One FAA reference that should be on every pilot's bookshelf--whether physical or electronic--is the Aeronautical Chart User's Guide.
This upgrade includes a targeted set of FAA aeronautical chart basemaps and real-time weather data now accessible on the SkyRouter 3 platform -- widely regarded as the most intelligent fleet management tool in the industry.
M2 EQUITYBITES-June 13, 2017-FAA aeronautical chart basemaps, real time weather data now available on interactive web portal
Caption: A raster aeronautical chart is augmented with a drone flight path against adverse radar detection patterns and missile ranges over the Persian Gulf, provided by AGI's System Tool Kit.
Because we'd be flying outside our normal operating area, we thoroughly studied the map of our route on the Phoenix Sectional Aeronautical Chart. We identified any obstacles and made sure we were in compliance with FAA rules.
Comair pilots who received an updated aeronautical chart of Lexington Blue Grass Airport have been told to exercise "extreme caution" when using the runways and taxiways where a Comair CRJ200 attempted to take off from the incorrect runway before crashing on Aug.
Tools that are critical to planning the mission are electronic aeronautical chart coverage and the combat flight planning system computer program.
The pylons being less than 300ft high are not required to be depicted on the aeronautical chart.''

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