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v. a·dapt·ed, a·dapt·ing, a·dapts
1. To make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation: adapted the novel into a movie; adapted the company policy to take internet use into account.
2. To cause to be able to survive and reproduce under certain conditions. Used in the passive: "Every species is adapted to a rather restricted selection of properties of the environment" (Ernst Mayr).
To become adapted: a species that has adapted to a low-oxygen environment.

[Middle English adapten, from Latin adaptāre : ad-, ad- + aptāre, to fit (from aptus, fitting; see apt).]

a·dapt′ed·ness n.
Synonyms: adapt, accommodate, adjust, conform, fit1
These verbs mean to make suitable to or consistent with a particular situation or use: adapted themselves to city life; can't accommodate myself to the new requirements; adjusting their behavior to the rules; conforming my life to accord with my moral principles; fitting the punishment to the crime.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. suitability
2. the state of having been adapted
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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MFT draws from evolutionary psychology and proposes that our current moral predispositions are inherited mechanisms which would have been beneficial to our ancestors during our period of evolutionary adaptedness (Graham et al., 2011, 2013).
In a 2018 report on small-scale seed producers in Africa, GRAIN--an international non-profit organization that works with small farmers--noted that "seeds have been turned into a global commodity in the service of industrial farming and huge corporations, with short shrift given to local adaptedness to the specific methods, ecosystems, and needs of family farms." But according to their research, farmer-managed seed programs provide the majority of seed and food crops to Africa, even while national and regional seed policies seek to undermine them.
Environmental influences upon the social choices, occupational behaviours and adaptedness of zoo chimpanzees: Relevance to occupational therapy.
Given the expected environmental changes associated with changing climate, it will be necessary to predict the future climate conditions of a site to assess the potential of a seed source for adaptedness to that location.
Biology in the last halfcentury has not been particularly comfortable with the word "struggle" which has largely disappeared from biology texts, being replaced by the notions of "adaptedness" and "fittedness." Still, plenty of "struggle" remains in biology (although the switch in emphasis is revealing), and when philosophical participants find that they themselves have ascended via this struggle, they are confronted with the question whether such a struggle can be meaningful.
This behavior does not need to be learned because it has been naturally selected in our ancestors' environment of evolutionary adaptedness. Unlike in conventional clinical formulations, for example, the potential to behave in such ways is therefore not confined to a deviant subset of individuals.
Materialism has negative impacts on individuals' well-being and social adaptedness (Kasser and Ahuvia 2002; Kasser and Ryan 1993).
"The Adaptive Legacy of Human Evolution: A Search for the Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness." Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 4.6 (1995): 194-203.
It interpreted said modules as the "imprint" of the characteristic of the environment--referred to by EP as the environment of evolutionary adaptedness (EEA)--that prevailed during the time period in question.