absentee landlord

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Related to absentee landlord: Absentee Owners

absentee landlord

a landlord who does not live in or near a property from which he draws an income
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

ab′sentee land′lord

a landlord who owns but is not resident in a property.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Her father was organist at your own church, and a hard struggle he must have had of it, with an absentee landlord, and a congregation of seagulls, I should think."
The fruit-growers have become absentee landlords and are busy learning higher standards of living in the cities or making trips to Europe.
However, there is no agreed metric to decide what constitutes an absentee landlord. As a result, arguments that absentee landlords harm efficiency and production are difficult to quantify.
Robert Watts, the compiler of the list, said: "Mike Ashley is like the absentee landlord who never goes to any matches, but continues to reap the benefits of his ownership of the club.
"The absentee landlord committed these very serious offences, putting the tenants in a position they should never had been in, and we will robustly enforce against those non-compliant landlords who refuse to licence their properties and who refuse to comply with the legislation."
The number of low quality, absentee landlord owned HMOs will be larger than ever and the implications for neighbourhoods and communities just as depressing.
There are many reasons why Villa are doomed - the ownership of a disinterested absentee landlord and a hapless recruitment policy being just two.
The author's findings present intriguing contrasts both with gender roles prevalent in the West and with such iconic Russian historiographical motifs as the uncaring absentee landlord and the powerless, dependent wife.
But if it involves something more serious like an absentee landlord, the case is likely to go on for some time.
SIR - Sian Ifan (Letters, March 25) highlights the anomaly that an absentee landlord, the Duke of Beaufort, continues to derive an excessive income from doing nothing from laws which in a modern democratic society should have been revoked.
One major advantage Orion Media has over its rivals is the presence of key decision makers in the city who can better tune into the needs of the local market, rather than running the show like an absentee landlord in London, as Global Radio did with BRMB.