

another word for abominable
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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7a, Ha que ville et abhominable, has text in the first of its three equal voices only.
The abhominable he make[??] glorious and [??]e sori ioious.
Unworthy in this heavy life though he be, a sinner most abhominable, yet let his name be written in Moses' table.
Diana's attendance at the play in Letoy's house allows him access to her; due to her cooperation with his plan to arouse Joyless's jealousy in order to later cure it, which is revealed only in the last act, for most of the play she appears to both Joyless and the audience as the willing object of Letoy's desire, (25) and her presence, like that of Prynne's female spectators, opens her to the fate of 'honest women [being] allured with abhominable speeches ...
At the same time, those who enriched themselves on the backs of the poor, and then gave back only a portion as charity, "are abhominable in the sight of God ...
we thy disobedient and rebellious children, howe by the juste judgemente sore afflicted and in great daunger to be oppressed, by thine and our sworne and most deadlye enemyes the Turkes, Infidels, and Miscreantes, doe make humble sute to the throne of thy grace for thy mercye." The prayer characterizes the Turks as "impure, wicked, and abhominable lyre." The Turk "goeth aboute to set up, to extol, and to magnify that wicked monster and damned soule Mahumet." (1) Although Queen Elizabeth herself sought to have favorable relations with the Ottoman Empire, the prayer probably captures considerable public sentiment about the Turks.
As "[t]he detestable murder of men, the abhominable and cruel slaughter of children, the shameful rauishment of women and Virgins, which were done by the unmerciful pagans, and cruel Turkes" (Schwoebel 13) starts another report from the fallen city, drawing our attention to another traditional Orientalist technique, which is to fuse the pagan culture with Islam, creating a major misconception about the 'false' prophet Mohammad and so undermining the biblical common ground between Christianity and Islam, which will be discussed later on.
Martyr describes a ritual of child sacrifice in excruciating detail, warning his readers before he begins: "But oh abhominable crueltie: Let euery godly man close the mouth of his stomake lest he be desturbed." (25) He then devotes several sentences to the method by which the child's heart is ripped from its breast.
In the same play, when Iuventus has fallen into lustfulness and Abhominable Living appears, Hypocrisy addresses her as 'Unknown Honesty' (p.
We read via direct quotation the advice given by the Prince de Conde to his son in the wake of his mother's death, in which he asserts that the true embracing of virtue goes hand in hand with its public enactment: 'il fault vivre vertueusement, & fuir le vice comme chose horrible & abhominable a tous cueurs genereux.
Based on this inventory, George Johnson asked that his sister-in-law amend four things and "let sobrietie and modesty be used": get rid of her "excessive deal of lace" and her whalebone supports in stomacher, bodice, and sleeves; stop wearing the "shewish [showy] cople hat" and wear instead a "sober" hat of taffeta (fabric of plainly woven silk threads) or a wool felt hat "with a tuft of velvet"; leave off the "abhominable and lothesome (I am ashamed to name it)," said George, "(and the Lord make her ashamed to wear it) codpece fashion in the brest"; and do away with the great starched ruf[f]s," gold rings, and musk perfume (14).