Zonal structure

(Crystallog.) a structure characterized by the arrangements of color, inclusions, etc., of a crystal in parallel or concentric layers, which usually follow the outline of the crystal, and mark the changes that have taken place during its growth.

See also: Zonal

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Rolling out an 18-point vision agenda, Alhaji Babatunde promised to rotate the meetings of the Lagos body among its zonal structure in order to give all boat operators opportunity to participate and contribute to its growth.
Bahrain's Sheikh Salman bin Ibrahim Al Khalifa, president of the Asian Football Confederation since 2013, said he 'had no objection' to the creation of SWAFF as long as it remains as a football body outside of the AFC's zonal structure'.
It is worth noting that the new public transport system is based on a zonal structure which is designed to make travel simpler by ensuring fares are directly proportionate to distance travelled.
The zonal structure of fracturing discovered does not fit within the framework of the conventional theoretical models.
These results indicate that the measurements in this direction require deeper analyses, particularly from the aspect of electronic zonal structure of the Cd-Sb system, and the research shouldcontinue in this direction.
From the first whistle the visitors started strongly with a strong zonal structure, fast running and accurate long and short passing.
Afenifere said 'Ekwueme will forever be remembered as a giant among advocates of federalism in Nigeria and the man who gave Nigeria the six zonal structure that we have in the country today.