Wool staple

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a city or town where wool used to be brought to the king's staple for sale.

See also: Wool

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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"When I shear, I always put half a dozen fleeces to one side, then spend a bit of time selecting the best one before going to a competition "I check the strength and length of the wool staple, and its crimp.
As a result of follicle shutdown, wool staple strength was significantly (p<0.0001) reduced.
Tweed is already big news on the designer rails and in the high street, so it's the perfect opportunity to be a bit more adventurous and stray away from the safe basic black wool staple.
As one scholar has remarked, "To say Burgos was to say sacks of wool." As the English withdrew from selling their wool abroad in the course of the fifteenth century, the Burgalese captured the major share of the expanding Castilian trade to the wool staple city of Bruges in Flanders, a trade that reached its peak about 1550.
Flanders, La Rochelle, and Nantes, as wool staples, were named as the destinations in 1499.