Wladyslaw II

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Władysław II

(Biography) original name Jogaila. ?1351–1434, grand duke of Lithuania (1377–1401) and king of Poland (1386–1434). He united Lithuania and Poland and founded the Jagiellon dynasty
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References in periodicals archive ?
Chapter 4 lists the events of the civil war between Wladyslaw II and his younger half-brothers before the Wendish Crusade and the circumstances of Polish involvement.
The supreme commander was Jogaila (Wladyslaw II to the Poles), king of a united Lithuania-Poland.
Platakis and Jablonskyte-Marquez agree that, "It appears a certainty that Christopher Columbus was not the poor weaver's son from Genoa." However, in the near future, it is hoped that Polish authorities will open the tomb of King Wladyslaw II, (Jogaila) the Lithuanian King of Poland, to obtain DNA evidence to prove that Christopher Columbus is a son of Lithuania who hid his royal lineage to protect the secret that his father had survived the Battle of Varna.