Wateree River

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Wa·ter·ee River

 (wô′tə-rē, wŏt′ə-)
A river, about 120 km (75 mi) long, of central South Carolina flowing southward to form the Santee River. Its upper course, in North Carolina, is called the Catawba River.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The Catawba River runs from North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains into South Carolina, where it becomes the Wateree River and then the Santee River, before flowing into the Atlantic Ocean.
The author surveys the development of Camden, South Carolina, and the Wateree River Valley from 1740 to 1810, in terms of their role in the colonization of South CarolinaAEs interior, or backcountry, as the center of agricultural production and trade there and the focus of political and administrative authority.
Employees working beside inmates from Wateree River Correctional Institution in Rembert filled and distributed over 55,000 30-pound sandbags and 360 2,000-pound sandbags that were used to shore up broken dams around the state.
Boykin area had turkeys and plenty of ducks along the nearby Wateree River. Whit Boykin found the new little brown dogs were excellent duck retrievers and loved flushing turkeys.
Alleged violations at the Lugoff facility include discharges to the Wateree River that exceeded permitted limits for many of the contaminants of concern under the Clean Water Act.
English professor Keen Butterworth and his wife, Nancy, made plans to whisk my daughters and me 20 miles to Congaree Swamp National Monument, home of the last virgin forests of loblolly pine and bald cypress in the state: land that had been saved by its own ungovernable reckless biological passion--wild low swampland emerging from the spillage of the exuberant joining of the Broad and Saluda Rivers, at whose confluence is birthed the Congaree River, which sprawls for 60 miles until mingling with the Wateree River, thence to form the Santee, which searches for, and finds, the Atlantic.
Carolyn Abrams, lieutenant, DOC, Wateree River Correctional Institution; J.
Since then, nearly 72,000 robust redhorse were distributed between locations in the state's Broad and Wateree rivers. Releases comprised nine separate year-classes, and included fingerlings from more than 100 unique parental crosses to ensure the greatest level of genetic diversity.