War song

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a song of or pertaining to war; especially, among the American Indians, a song at the war dance, full of incitements to military ardor.
- Longfellow.

See also: War

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Uncas moved with a slow and dignified tread toward the post, which he immediately commenced encircling with a measured step, not unlike an ancient dance, raising his voice, at the same time, in the wild and irregular chant of his war song. The notes were in the extremes of human sounds; being sometimes melancholy and exquisitely plaintive, even rivaling the melody of birds--and then, by sudden and startling transitions, causing the auditors to tremble by their depth and energy.
But Hawkeye was too much accustomed to the war song and the enlistments of the natives, to betray any interest in the passing scene.
Eighty men were pounding with fist and heel the tables and trestles - eighty men, flushed with mutiny, stripped to their shirt sleeves, their knapsacks half-packed for the march to the sea, made the two-inch boards thunder again as they chanted, to a tune that Mulcahy knew well, the Sacred War Song of the Mavericks-
Some men are said to wax valorous upon a full stomach, and such seemed to be the case with the Bannack braves, who, in proportion as they crammed themselves with buffalo meat, grew stout of heart, until, the supper at an end, they began to chant war songs, setting forth their mighty deeds, and the victories they had gained over the Blackfeet.
It had been elevated upon a pole in the centre of the village, where the warriors had celebrated the scalp dance round it, with war feasts, war songs, and warlike harangues.
Throwing himself on his horse, he made a sign, with the air of a prince to his followers, to imitate his example, interrupting, without ceremony, the war songs and solemn rites by which many among them were stimulating their spirits to deeds of daring.
Also, we were blowing conch shells, singing war songs, and striking the sides of the canoes with our paddles.
ARMED FORCES PREPARED TO RETALIATE':Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Senator Sherry Rehman said that Pakistan's armed forces are fully prepared to respond to India's war song.The parliament should send a loud and clear message that will befit India's aggressive strategies, she added.
'Only You' is a war song, a cry of faith to God when all hope was lost'
JAMES: There is a piece of music my drama teacher introduced to me called 'War Song' by Phamie Gow.
It can also be categorized as a war song especially for the police, soldiers, marines, navy seals, and all those who are at the forefront of keeping peace, protecting the innocent and preventing the proliferation of extremists, war mongers, psychopaths, killers and criminals from further infiltrating and taking over the remaining relatively peaceful cities across different countries, the Philippines included.
Sweden, April 8 -- 'Hurrah for the Mary, Hurrah for the lamb, Hurrah for the Royalists who passed the buck to Trinity, drowning out the battle cry of free education'(with apologies to the version of the US civil war song 'Battle cry for Freedom' that used to be sung at cricket matches by some schools.)