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(Biography) Sir Julius. 1835–99, New Zealand statesman; prime minister of New Zealand (1873–75; 1876)
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We had had the best instructors in drawing and painting in Germany--Ha"mmerling, Vogel, Mu"ller, Dietz, and Schumann.
Such were Dimmler the musician and his wife, Vogel the dancing master and his family, Belova, an old maiden lady, an inmate of the house, and many others such as Petya's tutors, the girls' former governess, and other people who simply found it preferable and more advantageous to live in the count's house than at home.
The Egyptian moved from El Mokawloon, in his homeland, to Basel, Switzerland, in 2012, with then manager Heiko Vogel making a decision on the fleetfooted attacker before even watching him train at close quarters.
Debora Vogel was born in January 1900 in a Galician town called Bursztyn.
EL SEGUNDO, California-Frank Vogel's determination to build 'organizational togetherness' within the Los Angeles Lakers met the reality of the team's current dysfunction on Monday.
Los Angeles Lakers head coach Frank Vogel said forging a sense of "togetherness" would be crucial as he attempts to halt six years of failure at the franchise.
Frank Vogel's determination to build "organizational togetherness" within the Los Angeles Lakers met the reality of the team's current dysfunction Monday.
Vogel held that the Lincoln School District must furnish a "free and appropriate education" to D.
We had to cross Sicily to arrive at Porto Empedocle and get the ferry to Pantelleria in order to trap shrews there (Vogel et al.
Two-time Olympic track cycling champion Kristina Vogel of Germany is paraplegic following a training accident in June.
Germany's Olympic and world sprint cycling champion Kristina Vogel has been paralysed following a serious crash in training in June, she told a German magazine in an interview.