Vigna caracalla

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Related to Vigna caracalla: Phaseolus caracalla
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Noun1.Vigna caracalla - perennial tropical American vine cultivated for its racemes of showy yellow and purple flowers having the corolla keel coiled like a snail shellVigna caracalla - perennial tropical American vine cultivated for its racemes of showy yellow and purple flowers having the corolla keel coiled like a snail shell; sometimes placed in genus Phaseolus
legume, leguminous plant - an erect or climbing bean or pea plant of the family Leguminosae
genus Vigna, Vigna - genus of vines or erect herbs having trifoliate leaves and yellowish or purplish flowers; of warm or tropical regions; most species often placed in genus Phaseolus
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References in periodicals archive ?
A LADY In New Zealand has sent me seed of Vigna caracalla, which is variously known as Phaseolus caracalla, snail flower, snail bean, corkscrew flower or the snail vine (caracol is Portugese for snail).