car accident

(redirected from Vehicular collision)
Related to Vehicular collision: Road traffic accident

car accident

nAutounfall m
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[6] developed a vehicular collision avoidance system by means of intervehicle communication technology.
A 71-year-old male presented after a vehicular collision complaining of severe neck pain without focal weakness or numbness.
Bandyopadhyay, "GPS based vehicular collision warning system using IEEE 802.15.4 MAC/PHY standard," 8th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST), pp.
When all three factors were analyzed collectively, the higher fatality rate led the researchers to conclude that male walkers were 2.3 times as likely to die as the result of a vehicular collision.
Vincent's Medical Center in Toledo, OH, due to injuries incurred in a vehicular collision in Bowling Green, OH.
On the day of the fateful vehicular collision, Raab was once again trailing Dawson to annoy him.
While at the farm and before we found this land, we were involved in a head-on vehicular collision; I suffered injuries to my left hand.
A 50-year-old tractor driver was arrested on Friday evening for being involved in vehicular collision that killed a 15-year-old boy and injuring two other people.
The patient had sustained a severe head injury in a vehicular collision and was in a coma.
At least 21 bus passengers were injured in a vehicular collision along the diversion road in Lucena City early Monday, police said.
This town's former mayor and a bystander were injured in a head-on vehicular collision on Thursday (January 25) in San Carlos village here, a belated police report said.

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