Urquhart Castle

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Urquhart Castle

(Named Buildings) a castle near Drumnadrochit in Highland, Scotland: situated on Loch Ness
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References in periodicals archive ?
Mr Black said: "Urquhart Castle attracts more than 500,000 visitors, so Inverness Castle should attract a significant number of visitors, including the higher-spending overseas visitors."
We woke up on our final full day in Invergordon, a port in the Scottish Highlands where we had a trip to Urquhart Castle on the banks of Loch Ness.
Imaginatively written by Lari Don and beautifully illustrated by Natasa Ilincic, "The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster" is the picture book story of two hungry children searching for the gold hidden beneath Urquhart Castle when they discover that treasure isn't the loch's only secret!
Gareth Kendall was asked where the ruins of Urquhart Castle stood and correctly answered Loch Ness - then added: "I know this...
Similarly romantic are the ruins of Urquhart Castle on the shore of Loch Ness -- where you might be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the famous yet elusive monster; and for literary buffs, Cawdor Castle in Narinshire will evoke Shakespeare's MacBeth, being one of the
Beside which body of water would you find Urquhart Castle? 7.
An image taken from Google Street View showing Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness
We headed out to Loch Ness, hoping to find the elusive giant; instead we were led to the ruins of the medieval Urquhart Castle.
The screen shot shows a distinctly-shaped outline in deep water, close to Urquhart Castle, near Drumnadrochit, on the western shore.
Nestled in the Highlands and overlooked by Urquhart Castle, the loch is the largest lake in Scotland.