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n.1.The state of being uncivilized; savagery or barbarism.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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In addition to essays, the anthology includes fiction, poetry, and interviews, along with the collectiveAEs original manifesto from 2008, Uncivilization. The book is illustrated with b&w photos and art.
Yet despite this accessibility, it is still an incredibly difficult novel to deal with emotionally, as student and teacher alike attempt to reconcile the extremes of human/inhuman behavior and uncivilization with the very civilized conditions of modern American life.
Does his vision of political order really mean the containment of mass uncivilization caused by a very unnatural and unequal political, economic, and social order?
And given that the viewers are assumed to not have any experience in clothes washing, evidence of their inherent "uncivilization," the advertisers maximize on this presumed ignorance by announcing that their product is "magical" as the headline reads "It's New!
And so last fall I traveled to the cradle of uncivilization, staying in Baghdad from mid-September to late October, with a four-day trip to the southern city of Basra.
The photographers themselves proposed an initial pool of images-five thousand in all-from which the two curators, Paris bureau chief Francois Hebel and special projects director Agnes Sire, developed the three-part presentation seen in Paris (the third stop on an international itinerary): "Persistance of Rituals," focusing with great elegance on traditions, ancient and modem; "Chronicles of Chaos," relentlessly documenting a decade of uncivilization; and "Aesthetics of the Everyday," offering extraordinary views of ordinary life.
Recalling Froude and Waugh's view of Haiti as the epitome of African "uncivilization" translated to the West Indies, this film finds an American anthropologist searching for the secret potion that, supposedly, makes people into zombies.
Though these films echo the notions of "uncivilization" that were discussed earlier, they differ from horror films in utilizing these notions for humorous purposes.
Sand, the primordial image of barrenness, uncivilization, becomes an image of unchecked fertility.