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 (tē-ĕr′), Louis Adolphe 1797-1877.
French politician and historian who was the first president (1871-1873) of the republic formed after the fall of Napoleon III.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(French tjɛr)
(Biography) Louis Adolphe (lwi adɔlf). 1797–1877, French statesman and historian. After the Franco-Prussian war, he suppressed the Paris Commune and became first president of the Third Republic (1871–73). His policies made possible the paying off of the war indemnity exacted by Germany
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Napoleon's historian Thiers, like other of his historians, trying to justify his hero says that he was drawn to the walls of Moscow against his will.
"The Cossack, not knowing in what company he was, for Napoleon's plain appearance had nothing about it that would reveal to an Oriental mind the presence of a monarch, talked with extreme familiarity of the incidents of the war," says Thiers, narrating this episode.
"The young Cossack made his mighty interlocutor smile," says Thiers. After riding a few paces in silence, Napoleon turned to Berthier and said he wished to see how the news that he was talking to the Emperor himself, to that very Emperor who had written his immortally victorious name on the Pyramids, would affect this enfant du Don.*
"As soon as Napoleon's interpreter had spoken," says Thiers, "the Cossack, seized by amazement, did not utter another word, but rode on, his eyes fixed on the conqueror whose fame had reached him across the steppes of the East.
French and German works predominated, the old French dramatists, sundry modern authors, Thiers, Villemain, Paul de Kock, George Sand, Eugene Sue; in German--Goethe, Schiller, Zschokke, Jean Paul Richter; in English there were works on Political Economy.
There was to be a sequel, as the Bridgnorth team was able to go abroad after all, when Bridgnorth's twin town Thiers invited them over in the summer to play them.
Tensions arose when the French provisional government signed a humiliating treaty with Prussia and hasty postwar elections produced a National Assembly with a monarchist majority and a conservative chief executive in Adolphe Thiers, who seemed poised to restore much of the old order.
A 32-year-old-woman was referred in April 2012 to the emergency departement of our maternity unit (General Hospital of Thiers, France) for probable pregnancy at term with beginning of labor.
"All of these regulations have been applied to the schools over the years, and it buries us in all this compliance stuff that reduces the flexibility we have to develop programs to serve the kids," Gerard Thiers, executive director of an association representing private schools, told the Star-Ledger.
They have settled on Avenue Thiers in the Bastide district, where residents keep complaining of the filth, the smells, and the laud music.