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n.1.(Zool.) A small nocturnal and arboreal Australian marsupial (Tarsipes rostratus) about the size of a mouse. It has a long muzzle, a long tongue, and very few teeth, and feeds upon honey and insects. Called also noolbenger.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Comes old American stock, thirsting across the Great American Desert, mule-backing across the Isthmus, wind-jamming around the Horn, to write brief and forgotten names where ten thousand generations of wild Indians are equally forgotten--names like Halleck, Hastings, Swett, Tait, Denman, Tracy, Grimwood, Carlton, Temple.
How is it that you let Tait's people put us off with a defective lock on the cabin door?
"We have always centered our firm's mission on exceptional customer service," says AJ Hall, founding partner alongside Ryan Tait. "By expanding our offices to the Phoenix area, we can better serve our clients, who come from all around the Valley."
SPO_120323_EMIRATES TWENTY 20Australian cricketer Shaun Tait gestures at a press conference prior to Emirates Image Credit: By Euan ReedieSpecial to Gulf News
The business acquired the clients from Haltwhistle-based Hadrian Financial Services, and they will now join Tait Walker's 30-strong private investment team - Tait Walker Wealth Management (TWWM).
Mr Sukhjit Kumar, Additional Commissioner of Service Tax, Mumbai addressed TAIT members by giving his valuable insights into the GST tax regime.
Sonim's unique ultra-rugged Android smartphones provide a platform for UnifyVoice, Tait's push-to-talk over cellular (PTToC) solution.
Sentencing yesterday at the High Court in Lanark, Lord Bannatyne told Tait his behaviour was appalling and it was hard to imagine Ewan's fear and pain.
Tait had a stint at the club in 2010 under Matthew Maynard and has since featured for Essex in the domestic tournament.
Police, who have always believed Tait could be hiding out in Newcastle's West End, have revealed there have been a number of reported sightings of the violent criminal in the Elswick area.