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Related to TATP: HMTD


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(Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) triacetone triperoxide: a highly unstable explosive, used esp by suicide bombers
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TATP is the same explosive which was used in the November 2015 Paris attacks, the March 2016 Brussels bombings and the 2017 May Manchester bombing, according to CNN.
Officers uncovered explosives TATP (triacetone triperoxide) - known as Mother of Satan - and HMTD (Hexamethylene Triperoxide Diamine).
The explosives charges relate to TATP and HMTD, while the terror charges state the documents were entitled The Improvised Munitions Handbook, Preparatory Manual for Explosives, Home Workshop Explosives and Improvised Primary Explosives.
Two suspects in Belgium were intercepted by Belgian police on Saturday with 500 grammes of the homemade explosive TATP and a detonation device found in their car, Belgian authorities, Reuters reported.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi said, "The allegations about Iranian diplomatic intervention in one of the European countries that were planned and implemented with the aim of destroying relations between Iran and Europe during this important and sensitive stage, are baseless and unfounded." Qasemi accused the People's Mujahidin Organization, the main component of the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) whose Paris meeting was allegedly targeted, of "carrying out a scenario to affect the European visit (of President Hassan Rouhani) and harm Iran's position in the European public opinion." On Saturday, Two suspects in Belgium were intercepted by Belgian police with 500 grams of the homemade explosive TATP and a detonation device found in their car.
Two suspects were intercepted by police in Brussels on Saturday with 500 grams of TATP, a home-made explosive produced from easily available chemicals, as well as a detonation device found in their car.
Rifles, handguns, homemade grenades and items used in the manufacture of TATP explosives were found during the raids in the Paris area, the Mediterranean island of Corsica, and the western Charentes-Maritimes region.
During Saturday's raid on a faculty at Riau University, police found a pipe bomb, a homemade grenade, as well as the homemade explosive triacetone triperoxide (TATP), known as the "mother of Satan", Wasisto said.
TheSunburyteenager, who was living with SCC foster parents at the time, was convicted of attempted murder and using a chemical compound TATP (triacetone triperoxide) to cause an explosion likely to endanger life.
Across the channels, there are instructions for synthesizing a variety of explosive compounds, including acetone peroxide (TATP), lead azide, potassium chlorate, C-4, TNT, xylitol petanitrate, nitro-glycerin, picric acid, and pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN).
On the day of the attack, the teenager left his foster home in Sunbury-on-Thames in west London and set the timer for the device, made with the highly volatile triacetone triperoxide (TATP) -- known as "the mother of Satan", in toilets at Wimbledon station where he boarded a District Line underground train, police said.
He said he only meant for the 400g of TATP and shrapnel, which burnt many of the 93 people on the District Line train, to catch light.