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Noun1.Sylviidae - in some classifications considered a subfamily (Sylviinae) of the family Muscicapidae: Old World (true) warblers; American kinglets and gnatcatchers
bird family - a family of warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
Oscines, Passeres, suborder Oscines, suborder Passeres - two names for the suborder of typical songbirds
genus Polioptila, Polioptila - New World gnatcatchers
genus Regulus, Regulus - a genus of birds of the family Sylviidae including kinglets
Old World warbler, true warbler - small active brownish or greyish Old World birds
genus Silvia, Silvia - type genus of the Sylviidae: warblers
Acrocephalus, genus Acrocephalus - a genus of Sylviidae
genus Prinia, Prinia - a genus of Sylviidae
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References in periodicals archive ?
The family with the highest species richness was Muscicapidae (13 species), followed by Fringillidae (seven species), Sylviidae (six species), Accipitridae (five species) and Alaudidae (four species).
The group includes many examples of species that exhibit superficial morphological similarities with other phylogenetically distant taxa, such as members of the families Turdidae, Cinclidae, Alaudidae, and Mimidae, and many Synallaxinae genera resemble Old World Sylviidae members or Certhiidae (Irestedt, et al., 2006).
Fifty Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis) microsatellite loci polymorphic in Sylviidae species and their cross-specific amplification in other passerine birds.
Sylviidae Sylvia communis Common whitethroat Sylvia curruca Lesser whitethroat Hippolias polyglotta Melodious warbler Sylvietta brachyuran Northern combrec Hippolais spp Sedge wabler Acrocephalus Tawny-flanked prinia schoenobaenus Prinia subflava Warbler Sylvia spp Willow warbler 36.