Swiss canton

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Related to Swiss canton: cantonal
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Noun1.Swiss canton - one of the cantons of Switzerland
canton - a small administrative division of a country
Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera, Swiss Confederation, Switzerland - a landlocked federal republic in central Europe
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The connection among the Swiss cantons scarcely amounts to a confederacy; though it is sometimes cited as an instance of the stability of such institutions.
The authorities of the Swiss Canton of Glarus arrived yesterday for a two-day visit to the Bosnian Podrinje Canton of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BPC).
Laufen has been producing superior quality products in the town of Laufen in the Swiss canton of Baselland for 127 years.
The Matterhorn is found at the border of the western Swiss canton of Valais between Zermatt and the Italian resort of Breuil-Cervinia.At more than 14,400 feet high, it is touted as the most famous mountain in Europe and it stands out perfectly in the Alpine-lined horizon.
Recently they did so in the field of hospitality, the high-end BE-rgenstock-resort in the Swiss canton of Nidwalden, which was officially opened last year.
GENEVA:Geneva residents on Sunday voted for a controversial new "secularism law", which will among other things ban elected officials and public employees from wearing visible religious symbols.More than 55 per cent of voters in the Swiss canton backed the law, final results showed, despite warnings that it could lead to discrimination, particularly against Muslim women.
Securities and Exchange Commission, affirmed the Swiss Canton of Zurich's Long-Term Foreign- and Local-Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDR) at 'AAA' and Short-Term Foreign-Currency IDR at 'F1+'.
Gallen, the fifth-most populous Swiss canton, will become the second region in the country to approve such a measure, following the example of the southernmost canton of Ticino.
Italian-speaking Ticino is the only Swiss canton which has introduced a total face-covering ban in public places.
The case adds to claims e-vehicle car batteries may be a safety concern after similar incidents in the US.A 48-year-old German driver died last Thursday when his car hit a barrier on a highway in the southern Swiss canton of Ticino, before flipping over and bursting into flames.

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