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 (svĕn-gä′lē, sfĕn-)
n. pl. Sven·ga·lis
A person who manipulates or controls another, especially by force of personality for malicious purposes.

[After Svengali, , the hypnotist villain in the novel Trilby by George du Maurier.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Psychology) a person who controls another's mind, usually with sinister intentions
[after a character in George Du Maurier's novel Trilby (1894)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(svɛnˈgɑ li, sfɛn-)

a person who completely dominates another, usu. with selfish or evil motives.
[1940–45; after the evil hypnotist of the same name in the novel Trilby (1894) by German. Du Maurier]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Svengali - someone (usually maleficent) who tries to persuade or force another person to do his bidding
persuader, inducer - someone who tries to persuade or induce or lead on
2.Svengali - the musician in a novel by George du Maurier who controls Trilby's singing hypnotically
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
In which novel by George du Maurier did the sinister hypnotist Svengali appear?
While hundreds of Star Wars fans beamed down to Madinat Jumeirah on Wednesday night to watch the city's first screening of Star Wars: The Last Jedi , UAE rockers Svengali were across town at Hard Rock Cafe opening for Brazilian heavy metal band Sepultura.
It's no accident that the Merriam-Webster - yes, the dictionary - has ( tweeted over the past few days about the meaning of the words refugee, anathema and svengali.
More than 50 years later, Lou Pearlman, The Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC Svengali who made millions in the music industry, enjoyed a much bigger home.
8DA YESTERDAY'S SOLUTIONS WEE THINKER ACROSS: 7 Revolve 9 Nicks 10 Inner 11 Thermal 12 Era 13 Irritate 16 Disagree 17 Nit 19 Rotates 21 Visor 22 Forgo 23 Screech DOWN: 1 Braised 2 Svengali 3 Blur 4 Unsettle 5 Scam 6 Psalm 8 Enterprises 13 Inaction 14 Tungsten 15 Starchy 18 Craft 20 Tarn T 21 Vera QUICKIE ACROSS: 1 Advertising 8 Use 9 One 11 Liaison 12 Essay 13 Car 14 Ewe 15 Fine art 17 Rub 19Warp 21 Obey 23 Spot 25 Star 27 Elm 29 Attempt 31 Ape 34 End 36 Koala 37 Twirled 38 T Yes 39 Say 40 Teetotaller T DOWN: 1 Asia 2 Dear 3 En suite 4 Tanker T 5 Shear 6 Nose 7 Gnaw 8 Ulcer 10 Eye up 16 Two T 18 Boa 20 Ate 22 Bra 24 Pep pill 25 Shaky 26 Beat it 28 Muddy 30 Toast 32 T Poet 33 Ease 34 Else 35 Near
McGee, founder of Creation Records, is in conversation at FACT, on Wood Street, following the screening of Brit-flick Svengali.
WELSH rock 'n roll movie SVENGALI is to be given another lease of life af-er after being released nationally in cinemas for a second time - due to public demand.
Creation Records founder Alan McGee is starring as himself in rock and roll comedy Svengali, which was released in cinemas earlier this year.
SVENGALI creator Jonny Owen will star in an edgy new eight-part youth drama for E4.
In a very different vein is SVENGALI (Cert 15, Running time 93mins ***), a bittersweet comedy following the misfortunes of a wouldbe music manager.Johnny Owen, who also directs, arrives in London with hopes of signing a deal for the band he's discovered.
THE UK premiere of Svengali - the rock 'n' roll comedy set between the South Wales Valleys and London - brought a touch of glamour to the town of Brynmawr.
Around 70 scooters and motorbikes pulled up outside The Market Hall Cinema in Brynmawr - which almost closed one year ago - for the world premiere of Svengali. Among the riders, on the back of a mod scooter, were the film's stars, Line Of Duty actress Vicky McClure and Merthyr actor Jonny Owen.