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Related to Sulker: two-fold, ameliorating, conferred


n.1.One who sulks.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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--Joyous in fight and feast, no sulker, no John o' Dreams, ready for the hardest task as for the feast, healthy and hale.
I get labelled that I'm a sulker and that I'm not part of this team.
"He's not a sulker, he tries his hardest every time he comes into training.
| Sam "He's not a sulker, he tries his hardest everytime he comes into training.
If you look at his demeanour on the pitch he is hard working and not a sulker. "He never throws his hands in the air and is always on the move.
OH please, you have to be joking: the Scottish sulker Andy Murray is threatening to go on strike over being overworked playing tennis (Daily Post, September 20).
Torres will need to start hitting the back of the net soon, though, with Drogba unlikely to accept a place in the subs' bench for much longer and serial sulker Anelka sure to be knocking on his manager's door if he finds himself on the sidelines.
WIGAN midfielder Charles N'Zogbia has denied he is a troublemaker or sulker and is looking forward to a challenge with his new club.
WIGAN midfielder Charles N'Zogbia has denied he is a trouble-maker or sulker and is looking forward to a challenge with his new club.
Sulker, Lipstick thinks you should go score another goal(ie): Distracting yourself with another crush is the surest way to get over your current heartbreak.