References in periodicals archive ?
O avestruz (Struthio camelus) e uma ave, pertencente a familia Struthionidae, originaria do continente africano, e com atividade economica relevante no Brasil, Estados Unidos, Australia, Israel, Zimbabue e Africa do Sul (Bezuidenhout, 1999; Silva, 2003).
Asterisks at the bottom of sequence indicate sequence identity while the highlighted nucleotides are the variation among the two species for the identification of various avian species of Phasianidae Anatidae Gruidae Scolopacidae Accipitridae Falconidae Struthionidae and Psittacidae families (Boonseub et al.
DAVTES, S.J.F., 2003.--Rattles and Tinamous: Tinamidae, Rheidae, Dromaiidae, Casuariidae, Apterygidae, Struthionidae. The Wilson Bulletin, 115 (2): 217-218.