Southern Baptist Convention

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Noun1.Southern Baptist Convention - an association of Southern Baptists
association - a formal organization of people or groups of people; "he joined the Modern Language Association"
Southern Baptist - a member of the Southern Baptist Convention
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References in periodicals archive ?
The report is the result of almost a year's work by a Sexual Abuse Advisory Group commissioned by Southern Baptist Convention President J.D.
The Southern Baptist Convention says it had 14.8 million members in 2018, down about 192,000 from the previous year.
The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary was established in 1898, that is 120 years ago, by the Southern Baptist Convention, USA, with the sole aim of training preachers for churches and leaders for other theological schools.
was an important figure in the formation of both the Southern Baptist Convention and the Confederate States of America.
READ: ( Southern Baptist Convention Denounces 'Alt-Right' White Supremacists Following Backlash
Buehner, assistant director of New England's chapter of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, grew disenchanted with the right-ward drift of the Southern Baptist Convention and left the denomination in 2000.
She includes perspectives from conservative women, like Dorothy Patterson, who support the current Southern Baptist Convention, view the Bible as inherent and infallible, embrace a gendered hierarchy and complentarianism between husband and wife, and reject feminism.
From 1960 to 1997 the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) claimed 6 million new adherents, Mormonism claimed another 3.3 million, and Pentacostalism another 2 million souls.
Throughout his diverse and significant career, Isaac Taylor Tichenor (1825-1902) served as a pastor, a chaplain with the Confederate forces, a university president, a mining entrepreneur and executive, and the corresponding secretary of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Williams has provided an excellent contribution to scholarship in the areas of the history of the American South, the Southern Baptist Convention, and Southern religion.
Among the other religious leaders are representatives of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Greek Orthodox Church, the Church of God in Christ, the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the Orthodox Church in America, Episcopalian bishops, the Anglican Communion Network, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, and many independent church leaders.
When the Reverend Lonnie Latham supported a directive urging fellow members of the Southern Baptist Convention to convince gays and lesbians to turn straight "and reject their sinful, destructive lifestyle," no one imagined he could actually be talking about himself.

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