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(ˈsɔroʊs )
(Biography) George. real name Schwartz György. (ʃvarts djørdj) born 1930, US investor and philanthropist, born in Hungary
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References in periodicals archive ?
George Soros' Soros Fund Management disclosed in an SEC filing its holdings as of June 30, 2019.
The government continues to stand by the 'Stop Soros' legislative package and the constitutional amendment prohibiting the resettlement of migrants because they serve the protection of Hungary and the Hungarian people, the Government Spokesperson said at a press conference held in Budapest on Thursday.
However, the masks are dropped and Soros openly supported new Armenian power.
The outgoing head of FacebookA's communications team took responsibility for the controversial hiring of a conservative consulting firm accused of using "black ops" style techniques, acknowledging critics including investor George Soros were targeted.
Friday's rally also took aim at grievances including regulations that have led to the departure of the Central European University, founded by Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros, from Budapest.
government agency has apologized to George Soros and his Open Society Foundations for the airing of a program that espoused conspiracy theories about Soros and called him a "multimillionaire Jew."
Back in the days when I worked for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, covering the politics and societies of a vast expanse of territory stretching from Belarus to Kyrgyzstan, hardly a day went by without my encountering the good works of George Soros. It was in Prague, my home base, where the Hungarian-born financier began as a backer of good causes by presciently supporting Charter 77, the pro-democracy movement led by the dissident playwright Vaclav Havel.
Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., asked whether Democratic donor George Soros was funding this movement.
The FBI on Tuesday was investigating an explosive device found in the mailbox at the New York home of US billionaire and liberal donor George Soros, a target of right-wing groups, officials confirmed.
With his political career in danger, and no substantive punches left to throw, Fico is flailing about in an attempt convince people that all this alarm about the 'Ndrangheta mafia infiltrating his own office is the work of foreigners and George Soros.Remember when Robert Fico knew he was about to lose the presidential election and he desperately accused Andrej Kiska of being a Scientologist in an attempt to turn his campaign around?