Sir John Suckling

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Related to Sir John Suckling: Richard Lovelace
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Noun1.Sir John Suckling - English poet and courtier (1609-1642)Sir John Suckling - English poet and courtier (1609-1642)
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References in classic literature ?
Her nose was exactly regular, and her mouth, in which were two rows of ivory, exactly answered Sir John Suckling's description in those lines:--
Sir John Suckling, a handsome and capricious representative of all the extravagances of the Court set, with whom he was enormously popular, tossed off with affected carelessness a mass of slovenly lyrics of which a few audaciously impudent ones are worthy to survive.
This article demonstrates that Sampson's The Vow Breaker can reveal a number of original features of the career of this author who got involved in the precarious and politically hazardous entanglements linked with the so-called 'Anne Willoughby affair', (4) that is, Sir John Suckling's disastrous courtship of Anne, the daughter of William Sampson's patron, Sir Henry Willoughby.
Sir John Suckling? ANSWERS: 1 Outstanding achievements in journalism, literature and music; 2 Cribbage; 3 Antony Armstrong-Jones, Earl of Snowdon; 4 The bends; 5 An insect which feeds on starchy materials such as books; 6 Dad's Army; 7 Philip II; 8 Prestel; 9 Judaism; 10 Rupert Giles.
Stubbs' focus is on poets, particularly William Davenant and Sir John Suckling, both of whom bob up from time to time throughout his lengthy study.
The invention of which card game is attributed to the English poet and dramatist Sir John Suckling? 7.
Indeed, Stubbs does not appear to have an argument to advance, beyond "restoring the complexity of such figures" as Thomas Carew, Sir John Suckling, Sir William Davenant, James Howell, Robert Herrick, Endymion Porter, Sir John Denham, and Edward Hyde by "following their experiences abroad and at home, the art they made and the literature they enjoyed," and in the process "taking the measure of the period in which their outlook was defined" (9).
The discontented cavalier; the work of Sir John Suckling in its social, religious, political, and literary contexts.
The book is beautifully produced, with a sumptuous full-colour dust jacket of Sir Anthony Van Dyck's Sir John Suckling, c.
Nelson's mother was born Catherine Suckling, of which family the Cavalier poet Sir John Suckling (who coined the phrase "nick of time") was a member.
Thomas Corns presents an admirably balanced account of "Thomas Carew, Sir John Suckling, and Richard Lovelace," figures whose literary reputations have never recovered from their being on the losing side of the Civil War.