

n.1.(Bot.) A small variety of the Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus).
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The Dragons, who were last summer's U15 champions in the UFL, gained more international exposure in a 1-3 loss against AEC Manlleu of Spain at Fornelis de la Sieva. It was followed by a 0-6 yield to Sel Espana-Brasil, a Spain-based Brazilian team, also on March 23, at the Sant Feliu de Guziols.
Shell: Horticultural, Pinto, Red Kidney Beans, pole Dade, McCaslan, Leguminosae Kentucky Wonder 191, (Pea) Blue Lake Beans, lima Fordhook 242, Leguminosae Henderson, Jackson (Pea) Wonder, Dixie Butterpea, Florida Butter (Pole), Sieva (Pole) Cantaloupes Smith's Perfect, Cucurbitaccae Ambrosia, Edisto 47, (Pea) Planters Jumbo, Summet, Super Market, Primo, Luscious Plus Corn, sweet Silver Queen, Gold Gramineae Cup, Guardian, (Grass) Bonanza, Florida Staysweet, How Sweet It Is, Supersweet Cucumbers Slicers: Poinsett, Cucurbitaceae Ashley, Dasher, Sweet (Melon) Success, Pot Luck, Slice Nice.
sieva, a nivel de laboratorio y determinaron que las cepas de Bradyrhizobium PCYGIVN3 y PSNC4N2 eran efectivas, aunque esta ultima resulto menos infectiva, por presentar menor promedio de numero de nodulos en las variedades de pallar evaluadas.
sieva con cepas efectivas de Bradyrhizobium, influye positivamente en la respiracion y actividad deshidrogenasa de la rizosfera del cultivo, asi como en el numero total de bacterias.
Se ha demostrado que el morfotipo "big lima" que presenta semillas relativamente grandes, pertenece al reservorio genetico andino, mientras que los morfotipos "potato" (con semillas pequenas) y "sieva" (tamano intermedio) pertenecen al reservorio de Mesoamerica (Baudoin 1988, Debouck et al.
Green 'Christmas' pole, days pole baby limas are tedious 'Sieva' pole to shell, but dry lima beans shell easily.
The advantage of the hills was that I could also let beans twine up the corn, and because this corn is a robust grower with strong stalks, it can bear the weight of some of the larger heirloom pole beans, such as 'Indiana Wild Goose,' 'Ohio Pole,' and even some small-podded lima beans such as 'Carolina Lima (Sieva),' 'Speckled Saba' or 'Willow Leaf.'
Limas come in two forms, the small sieva or butterbean type, which originated in Mexico, and the more familiar large-seeded limas, which come from South America--where they were cultivated as early as 5,300 B.C.
Plants Adinida --Dinoflagellates group (W) aka --NZ vine anana --pineapple Anona --tropical tree/shrub genus (W) apa --wallaba tree (W) marram --beach grass (W) mesem --fig-marigold (W) mum --chrysanthemum sabas --Philippine bananas (W) seewees (= sievas)--tropical beans (W) siris --betel plants (a mild stimulant) sirris --leguminous tree (0) toot (= tutu)--NZ shrub ulu --Indian grass (W) waw-waw --W.