Sand box

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A box with a perforated top or cover, for sprinkling paper with sand
A box carried on locomotives, from which sand runs on the rails in front of the driving wheel, to prevent slipping.

See also: Sand, Sand

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Commenting on the news around the Trump administration's ban on Huawei products in the U.S., the analyst says he expects a "lot more sand to be thrown in the sand box between the Beltway and Shanghai until the G-20 talks," but cautions investors on Apple to not jump to conclusions.
So did The Sand Box, a 17-hole par-3 course that was already the site of Sand Valley's first significant competition.
while addressing a Seminar titled 'Promoting Information Technology and Entrepreneurship' hosted jointly by the MUST and the private-sector Sand Box (Pvt) Ltd, the promoters of the studies of Information Technology in the country including AJK.
The Kinetics Dust-Free, Non-Toxic Sand Box comes with 2.2lbs of indoor sand that be easily shaped into simple designs.
ALL children love playing in sand and with this Early Learning Centre sand box they can build it up themselves and take it apart when they are done.
Denby Dale Parish Environment Trust, supplied PS1,000 funding for the new raised bed, sand box and tarmac.
A new sand box was also constructed under the play ground frames where the kids can play with their spades and buckets.
"Whether on the Web or on mo bile, we can give you a whole sand box and create socialness around the games and not just in the games," he continued in reference to a platform informally referred to as Zynga Direct.
In the sand box, we are short on parts to fix our aircrew integrated helmet system (AIHS).
Among their topics are seismic imaging of the lithosphere structure of the Zagros mountain belt, new magnetic fabric data and their comparison with palaeo-stress markers in the Western Fars Arc and their tectonic implications, insights from sand box models on the structure of the Mountain Front Flexure along the Anaran anticline in the Pusht-e Kuh Arc, the influence of Late Cretaceous tectonic processes on sedimentation patterns along the northeastern Arabian plate margin, and spatial and temporal diagenetic evolution of syntectonic sediments in a pulsatory uplifted coastal escarpment as revealed in the Plio-Pleistocene Makran subduction zone.
The resort offers five restaurants promising to satisfy every palate from the hot, sour, salty and sweet dishes that make up Thai cuisine in Seakran to the cool daytime hangout of the Sand Box.
H&T Imaginations; KID'S SAND BOX FUN WITH PROFESSOR WOODPECKER; AuthorHouse (Children's Fiction) $5.60 ISBN: 9781438911168