Sailing orders

(Naut.) the final instructions given to the commander of a ship of war before a cruise.

See also: Order

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Well, I went over and sat down by Henry's bed and I says to him, says I, jest right out plain and simple, for if a thing's got to be told it may as well be told first as last, says I, `Mate, I reckon you've got your sailing orders this time,' I was sorter quaking inside, for it's an awful thing to have to tell a man who hain't any idea he's dying that he is.
So we had the odd spoon, and dropped it in her apron-pocket whilst she was a-giving us our sailing orders, and Jim got it all right, along with her shingle nail, before noon.
Therefore, after some hesitation, he took the liberty to inquire at this house, too, and being told that I couldn't be disturbed, had made up his mind not to go on board without actually setting his eyes on me and hearing from my own lips that nothing was changed as to sailing orders.
Ordinarily it keeps its sail wet and in good sailing order by turning over and dipping it in the water for a moment.
Customs Commissioner Isidro Lapena said they agreed that the Bureau shall be responsible for the issuance of Sailing Orders upon the need of the agency's law enforcement operations.
Having successfully done so, we returned to Plymouth for last-minute storing, to report our successful trial and to receive our sailing orders to return to Canada.
Now Whisky must hope that Mick gets his sailing orders before the final, leaving him to go through as runner-up.
Once a year, vessels of the reserve fleet are given sailing orders and are required to steam on a mission to ensure readiness.