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abbreviation for
Scottish Environment Protection Agency
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SEPA previously carried out a probe at the site in July last year, but no evidence of contamination was discovered at the popular walking spot.
And SEPA announced a two month requirement for the company to come forward with the "shortest period possible to plan, design, build and safely integrate" new ground flare technology.
In a statement issued on Friday, the mayor said that SEPA did not had the authority to take any step in contrast to the Supreme Court directives which had in its 2018 decision restrained coal imports at the Karachi Port Trust as it lacked a system to safely handle and store coal consignments and directed all authorities in Karachi that open coal shall not be stored anywhere in the city of Karachi.
Speaking to Dawn, he said Sepa did not have the authority to take any step in contravention of the Supreme Court's directives which had, in its 2018 decision, restrained coal import at the Karachi Port Trust as it lacked a system to safely handle and store coal consignments.
But those signed up to receive from SEPA , through their phone, alerts from the service received no warning before the June 24 downpour.
"I am aware SEPA issued enforcement notices in September 2018 and again in December 2018, and that regular inspections are being carried out.
After an officer from Sepa visited the burn to investigate, it was concluded "there is no ongoing contamination".
Locals said the heap could be seen from the SEPA HQ - and must have taken days to pile up.
According to him, the SEPA's standard for the treated water is 400 milligrams per liter chemical oxygen demand (COD) whereas the COD level in Kotri SITE's effluent ranged between 4,000 to 5,000.
However, he acknowledged that a majority of industries had not installed the plants despite directions by the Water Commission and repeated notices served by SEPA.