Ruholla Khomeini

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Related to Ruholla Khomeini: Saddam Hussein, Salman Rushdie
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Noun1.Ruholla Khomeini - Iranian religious leader of the Shiites; when Shah Pahlavi's regime fell Khomeini established a new constitution giving himself supreme powers (1900-1989)
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References in periodicals archive ?
People were also chanting, "Death to Rouhani", "Shame on you Khamenei, step down from power", "Death to the Dictator" and "Death to the Islamic Republic." Protesters were tearing down the banners of Iran's Supreme leaders, Ruholla Khomeini and Khamenei.
Since the radical Islamist followers of Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini seized the U.S.
embassy personnel taken hostage in November 1979 by followers of the Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini, and he survived the criticism for that rescue mission's failure.
we have an Islamic and democratic party very similar to the AKP (Justice and Development Party) in Turkey." Ruholla Khomeini went into exile in France in 1964 and was outspoken in his opposition to the pro-Western ruling regime of the Iranian Shah.
Since Arabpour has made the robes and turbans of senior ulama, from revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini to the present spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to the reformist former President Mohammad Khatami, "Final Fitting" becomes a wry micro-cultural history of Iran's clerical class since the revolution.