Rubus spectabilis

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Related to Rubus spectabilis: Rubus parviflorus
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Rubus spectabilis - large erect red-flowered raspberry of western North America having large pinkish-orange berriesRubus spectabilis - large erect red-flowered raspberry of western North America having large pinkish-orange berries
raspberry, raspberry bush - woody brambles bearing usually red but sometimes black or yellow fruits that separate from the receptacle when ripe and are rounder and smaller than blackberries
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References in periodicals archive ?
This is the salmon-berry, cloud-berry, or buffalo-berry (Rubus spectabilis).
During the corps' eastward push in the spring of 1806, Lewis collected more than 70 new plants, including modern favorites such as salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis) and balsamroot (Buphthalmum sagittatum).
Axis 1 Axis 2 Oregon Low Picea sitchensis Quercus garryana Umbellularia californica Quercus kelloggii Alnus rubra Fraxinus latifolia Rhamnus purshiana Juniperus occidentalis Menziesia ferruginea Arctostaphylos viscida Vaccinium ovatum Rhus diversiloba Vaccinium parvifiorum Lonicera hispidula Rubus spectabilis Ceanothus integerrimus Oplopanax horridum Rubus discolor Sambucus racemosa Symphoricarpos spp.