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Related to Rockall: Rockall score


(Placename) an uninhabited British island in the N Atlantic, 354 km (220 miles) W of the Outer Hebrides. Area: 0.07 ha (0.18 acres)
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LEO Varadkar and Nicola Sturgeon met in Manchester to ease diplomatic tensions over Rockall.
The expedition will see 18 tourists travel on a Dutch schooner from Oban, Argyll and Bute, to the islet of Rockall - for PS1600 a head.
Sir, - Two professors have told the irish government that they were "incorrect" in asserting that the Scottish Government were wrong in claiming rights to rockall.
Those are the opening lines of an Irish Republican song about Rockall but I never thought I'd hear it used it in a Scottish context.
Summary: The SNP is suddenly claiming territorial and marine rights to Rockall in Atlantic Ocean
1997 Greenpeace activists occupied Rockall in protest at oil exploration in the region.
Global Banking News-May 8, 2019-Broadridge to acquire Rockall to advance wealth franchise
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-May 8, 2019-Broadridge to acquire Rockall to advance wealth franchise
M2 EQUITYBITES-May 8, 2019-Broadridge to acquire Rockall to advance wealth franchise
(NYSE: BR) has agreed to acquire UK-based Rockall, a market provider of securities-based lending and collateral management solutions for wealth management firms and commercial banks, the company said.
Several prognostic catalogs are available, including the Rockall and Baylor scores; however, these include clinical and endoscopic components and are therefore unsuitable for pre-endoscopic triage8.