Republic of letters

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The collective body of literary or learned men.

See also: Republic

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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As several gentlemen in these times, by the wonderful force of genius only, without the least assistance of learning, perhaps, without being well able to read, have made a considerable figure in the republic of letters; the modern critics, I am told, have lately begun to assert, that all kind of learning is entirely useless to a writer; and, indeed, no other than a kind of fetters on the natural sprightliness and activity of the imagination, which is thus weighed down, and prevented from soaring to those high flights which otherwise it would be able to reach.
It also poses all the major questions accompanying Chinese literature's march into "The World Republic of Letters" (a concept borrowed from Casanova's book The World Republic of Letters): how do writers balance the demands of domestic and global receptions?
In the well-researched book Arabic Republic of Letters, Alexander Bevilacqua argues that the European scholars of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries took massive efforts to portray Islam more accurately and without bias.
Charles Arts Council, Kiss the Sky, The Book Shop, The Republic of Letters, Batavia Depot Museum, Waterline Writers, Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley, and the City of Batavia showed their support for the arts by sharing their testimonials about why "the arts" matter to them in a video directed and filmed at Water Street Studios.
It introduces the reader to the exquisite breadth of these literary traditions and yet never fails to remember that these all come from a thriving, worldwide "Republic of Letters" that reveals something new each time.
Cloth, $35.00--"The Republic of Letters" is a reference to European scholars who in the seventeenth and eighteen centuries took an interest in Islam.
Proskurina, in contrast, does not mention the memoirs, which were not published or circulated in Catherine's lifetime, but examines her many published histories, plays, operas, and essays in the witty political dialogues of the European Republic of Letters. Proskurina nicely formulates a guiding principle in approaching anything Catherine wrote.
Republic of Letters / A fourth factor--a major one--was the "Republic of Letters," which emerged in the 16th and 17th centuries and stimulated the creation and spread of new ideas.
Using the life and work of Danish scientist and theologian Nicolas Steno (1638-86) as a lens, scholars of philosophy and early modern culture explore relations between philosophy, theology, and the emerging sciences--particularly medicine and geology--in the early modern Republic of Letters. They cover from natural philosophy to theology, anatomy, and metaphysics: Steno and Cartesianism, the natural history of the Earth, and Steno at the Medici court.
Peiresc (1580-1637) is little-known today, but his contemporaries regarded him as one of the most important, active, and well-connected participants in the Republic of Letters, widely admired for his 'vast erudition and insatiable curiosity' (p.
Rather, it was the result of spontaneous order and cultural evolution in which the actions of various writers, intellectuals, and scientists across Europe established a shared community of innovators--known as the Republic of Letters. This community was a forum in which ideas could be tested and disputed and norms of good behavior and scientific standards emerged.