Reef line

a small rope formerly used to reef the courses by being passed spirally round the yard and through the holes of the reef.

See also: Reef

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Tubbataha Reefs in the Sulu Sea, tossing the ship some 90 degrees from its position on Thursday (inset) and making it parallel to the reef line. The photographs are courtesy of the AFP Western Command
The third reef will slightly decrease the overall durability of the sail (by adding weight to the leech), and necessitate hardware changes to the boom to allow for a third reef line.
Twenty-five feet away from me, inside the reef line, was my kayak.
He comes from the Mill Reef line of leading international sires.
Plectropomus leopardus comprises between 35% and 50% of the commercial reef line catch annually (Mapstone et al.
He may find it difficult to achieve consistency for a while, but we need a good sire from the Mill Reef line, and Daylami - his best grandson on the racecourse - may yet establish himself as the best at stud as well.
Inside the reef line in Kahaluu Bay, calm waters lure both snorkelers and green sea turtles, who often slip in to feed off the reef vegetation.
Riding the Gulf Stream north, you will notice that this hard reef line begins to fade into a more sloping edge once you get past Jupiter.
The old campaigners sheet, their trisail to the boom using a reef line because they know how much greater control they will have of the boat.
Another notable mare is Morina, who has worked well with the Mill Reef line in the past; her best son is Mons (Deploy), winner of the 1995 Group 2 Royal Lodge Stakes, and her daughters include 2000 Irish Oaks third Inforapenny (Deploy) and last Saturday's Queen's Prize runner-up Teresa (Darshaan).