

a.1.Without a priest.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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On the final day, June 28, attendees gathered in several open discussion sessions with specialists on issues including addiction and the opioid crisis, priestly formation, ministry to transgender persons, priestless parishes, younger and millennial Catholics, community organizing, and due process and justice for priests.
Bird Song Ring-necked, I ring with color above and below my priestless collar , green head, masked for your red death .
AT ITS 2017 ASSEMBLY, HELD June 19-22 in Atlanta, the Association of United States Priests reaffirmed its support for the ordination of women deacons and the creation of "priestless" parishes.
(7) Their home was the centre of Catholic life during the priestless years between Father O'Flynn's exile in 1818 and the arrival of Fathers Therry and Conolly in 1820.
The Challenge of Priestless Parishes: Learning from Latin America.
Deputy editor Michael Kelly said: "As the number of priests continues to decline and faced with an older age profile, Church leaders are being forced to take radical action that just a few years ago would have seemed unthinkable." It is understood married deacons could also gain responsibility to tackle the increasing number of priestless parishes.
As an adolescent he may have fallen briefly under the influence of the priestless Old Believers in the Russian North, but, as a mature intellectual he was nevertheless inclined to call the Old Believers "schismatics" and to associate them with rebellion against the crown.
Why not position permanent deacons as leaders of priestless parishes?
While my residence remained in the city, I spent the weekends as a pastor in priestless remote rural areas with a team of catechists and medical personnel.
The law recognizes the "determining role of the Orthodox Church in the historical formation and development of spiritual, cultural, and state traditions of the Belarusian people" as well as the historical importance of Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, and Evangelical Lutheranism, groups commonly referred to as "traditional faiths." However, the traditional faiths mentioned by the law do not include religious groups such as the Priestless Old Believers and Calvinist churches, which have historical roots in the country dating to the 17th century.
(1949:116): 'When the Old Believers, following on Patriarch Nikon's reforms, broke away from the Russian Orthodox Church in 1667, the more powerful group of schismatics known as the Bozpoppvschini, or the 'Priestless' [ones] regarded certain foods and the like as abominations.
(27) Another group, the bespopovtsy, rejected this solution and remained, as their name suggests, priestless. Pressure from the state to renounce Old Belief frequently led to the Old Believers' preferring martyrdom--often whole communities would commit self-immolation--rather than renounce their faith.