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Related to Podzols: Spodosol, Podzolic Soil


 (pŏd′zôl′) also pod·sol (-sôl′)
A leached soil formed mainly in cool, humid climates.

[Russian : pod, under; see ped- in Indo-European roots + zola, ashes; see ghel- in Indo-European roots.]

pod·zol′ic adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈpɒdzɒl) or


(Geological Science) a type of soil characteristic of coniferous forest regions having a greyish-white colour in its upper leached layers
[C20: from Russian: ash ground, from pod ground + zola ashes]
podˈzolic, podˈsolic adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.podzol - a soil that develops in temperate to cold moist climates under coniferous or heath vegetationpodzol - a soil that develops in temperate to cold moist climates under coniferous or heath vegetation; an organic mat over a grey leached layer
dirt, soil - the part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
McKeague JA (1967) An evaluation of 0.1M pyrophosphate and pyrophosphate-dithionite in comparison with oxalate as extractants of the accumulation products in Podzols and some other soils.
The soil cover of the region comprises much of the soils suitable mainly for forests (Podzols, Histosols, Gleysols) and/or grasslands (Fluvisols, Gleysols, Histosols).
Luvisols are the dominant catchment soil type of the streams falling into Vortsjarv from the north, north-east, and west; podzols prevail in the southern and southwestern catchment parts while regosols are represented with an appreciable proportion only in the Vaike Emajogi catchment (Fig.
Pedogenesis of Podzols is connected with migration of aluminium, iron and organic compounds from the surface soil downwards with percolating rainwater to the Bs horizon.
Survey response of soil types used in biochar application Vertisold 2 Spodosol 9 Regosols 5 Rankers 2 Podzols 2 Phaemozems 1 Luvisols 49 Gleysols 1 Fluvisols 63 Cambisols 28 Calsisols 72 Arenosols 1 Note: Table made from bar graph.
Podzols of forest-tundra were sampled from all soil horizons because of the possible redistribution of organic matter due to eluviation processes.
These forests (called caatinga) form on white sand soils of extreme infertility, made up mainly of quartz podzols. As in swamps, but unlike in terra firme (Duivenvoorden & Lips, 1995), single species tend to dominate with individual trees having slender boles and roots mainly at the soil surface (Klinge et al., 1990).
Nevertheless, the survey samples showed that the water table levels were shallower than 50 cm in the floodplains, providing the necessary data for the hydrological soil group acquisition of the Podzols, according to (Sartori et al.
According to Anderson (1963), most of the plant species that grow in the forests at the centre of the peat domes are mostly those that are usually found on nutrient poorer soils, such as podzols of the heath forest (Anderson, 1963).
These kame fields are generally characterized by acidic and nutrient poor podzols. However, in the riparian soils the soil type ranges rather from gleyic podzols to histosols.
Soils are observed to be generally shallow and include cryogenic mineral soils, poorly developed podzols, and some hygric organic soils.