

n.1.(Mil.) The act or movement of forming a column from a line of troops on some designated subdivision; - the opposite of deployment.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
These were raised in great abundance; so that, with the products of this and the other farms belonging to him, he was able to keep in almost constant em- ployment a large sloop, in carrying them to market at Baltimore.
The reality we live in includes unem- ployment and underemployment and this is partially due to the major gap that exists between education and employment.
For a president whose first year in power was spent dealing with a crippling inheritance from predecessor Jacob Zuma, including an underperforming economy, widespread corruption, unem- ployment of close to 30%, and damaging party factionalism, the result is likely to be a source of quiet satisfaction, even if it falls short of the ANC's traditional bench- mark of at least 60%.
In your experience, is fintech de- ployment by SMEs, banks, and other financial providers reaching pastoral communities and farmers?
Next Friday, 3 November, marks a year since Egypt has started its economic reform programme--one that has been the most difficult--to revive the ailing economy and achieve growth rates that reflect on creating jobs, curb unem- ployment, and improve standards of living for Egyptians.
Likewise, therapy seeks to generate effects through interaction and language, in response to particular social and political context that has generated violence, displacement, and unem ployment in Buenaventura and Quibdo, so the NCGT becomes a construction element from a given context.
I have experienced major changes and devas- tating losses in several areas of my life, such as the loss of a child; homelessness with children; unem- ployment; relocating across the world to find that my qualifications and work experience count for almost nothing and having to retrain and start a career all over again; abusive relationships and the breakup of a marriage.
This article shares how the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT), 1st Infantry Division, was able to successfully balance the de ployment of home-station property and remain compliant with FORSCOM's requirement to use the NTC pre-positioned fleet.
"Looking at this region as a whole, what stands out is that overall levels of youth unemployment are improving but pockets are still reporting much higher youth unem ployment rates than the average with some cities affected more than others.