Paterson's curse

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Paterson's curse

(Plants) Austral a purple-flowered noxious plant, Echium plantagineum, a close relative of viper's bugloss, naturalized in Australia and NZ where its harmfulness to livestock has prompted attempts to limit its spread. Also called: Salvation Jane See also viper's bugloss
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References in periodicals archive ?
Others that made the cut this year have names that make them sound downright sinister: dead man's fingers, toxic cyanobacteria, Paterson's curse and imported fire ant.
SCIENTISTS from Charles Sturt University and CSIRO Entomology have modelled the economic benefits of using the crown weevil to control the widespread agricultural weed, Paterson's curse.
If still greater profitability is attributed to sheep grazing, the benefits of Paterson's curse control rise accordingly.
(Paterson's curse and related species)in Australia, 1972-2050.
She says Paterson's curse is a notorious garden escapee.