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(Geological Science) geology an ancient soil horizon
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and Young, G.M.: 1995, Unraveling the effects of potassium metasomatism in sedimentary rocks and paleosols, with implications for paleoweathering conditions and provenance.
They analysed tracers of ancient leaves and of burned organic matter left behind in paleosols (stratum or soil horizon), or fossil soils, in northern Pakistan.
Maynard JB (1993) Chemistry of modern soils as a guide to interpreting Precambrian Paleosols. The Journal of Geology 100, 279-289.
Late Glacial erosion and pedogenesis dynamics: evidence from high-resolution lacustrine archives and paleosols in south Bohemia (Czech Republic).
This aspect, taken in conjunction with other environmental interpretations based on paleo-dietary inferences deciphered from the meso- and micro-wear analysis of cheek teeth of several other mammalian groups as well as the changes in stable carbon and oxygen isotopes analyses on carbonate nodules of paleosols, could be lead towards a better understanding of the local environment and regional climate changes during the Neogene in South Asia.
[23] for paleosols on loess substrate where the increasing magnitude of the susceptibility is controlled by the pedogenic (fine grain size) magnetic fraction contribution.
Tabor, "Quantitative paleo-environmental and paleoclimatic reconstruction using paleosols," Earth-Science Reviews, vol.
To refine the use of [delta][sup.18][O.sub.carb] values from paleosols in paleoaltimetry studies, I will look at carbon isotope equilibrium as a screening tool.
Paleosols in low-order streams and valley heads in the Araucaria Plateau--record of continental environmental conditions in Southern Brazil at the end of MIS 3.
Outside Belize, Hansen and his team have excavated earthen floors overlying buried paleosols with postholes dug into bedrock at Nakbe in the El Mirador Basin, and the associated dates with this earliest occupation range from 1400 to 1000 BC ([38]: 55, Table 1).