Norse mythology

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Noun1.Norse mythology - the mythology of Scandinavia (shared in part by Britain and Germany) until the establishment of ChristianityNorse mythology - the mythology of Scandinavia (shared in part by Britain and Germany) until the establishment of Christianity
Asgard - (Norse mythology) the heavenly dwelling of the Norse gods (the Aesir) and slain war heroes
Valhalla, Walhalla - (Norse mythology) the hall in which the souls of heros slain in battle were received by Odin
Midgard - (Norse mythology) the abode of humans in Norse mythology
mythology - myths collectively; the body of stories associated with a culture or institution or person
Deutschland, FRG, Germany, Federal Republic of Germany - a republic in central Europe; split into East Germany and West Germany after World War II and reunited in 1990
Fafnir - (Norse mythology) the Norse dragon that guarded a treasure and was slain by Sigurd
Sigurd - (Norse mythology) mythical Norse warrior hero who gains an accursed hoard of gold and was killed by Brynhild; Siegfried is the German counterpart
Aesir - (Norse mythology) the chief race of gods living at Asgard
Andvari - (Norse mythology) a dwarf who possessed a treasure that was stolen by Loki
Vanir - (Norse mythology) race of ancient gods sometimes in conflict with the Aesir
Balder, Baldr - (Norse mythology) god of light and peace and noted for his beauty and sweet nature; son of Odin and Frigg and husband of Nanna; killed by Hoth
Brage, Bragi - (Norse mythology) god of poetry and music; son of Odin
Elli - (Norse mythology) goddess of old age who defeated Thor in a wrestling match
Forseti - (Norse mythology) god of justice; son of Balder and Nanna
Frey, Freyr - (Norse mythology) god of earth's fertility and peace and prosperity; son of Njorth and brother of Freya; originally of the Vanir; later with the Aesir
Freya, Freyja - (Norse mythology) goddess of love and fecundity; daughter of Njorth and sister of Frey
Frigg, Frigga - (Norse mythology) goddess of the heavens and married love; wife of Odin
Heimdal, Heimdall, Heimdallr - (Norse mythology) god of dawn and light; guardian of Asgard
Hel, Hela - (Norse mythology) goddess of the dead and queen of the underworld
Hoenir - (Norse mythology) one of the Aesir having a strong and beautiful body but a dull mind
Hoder, Hodr, Hodur, Hoth, Hothr - (Norse mythology) a blind god; misled by Loki, he kills his brother Balder by throwing a shaft of mistletoe
Idun, Ithunn - (Norse mythology) goddess of spring and wife of Bragi; guarded the apples that kept the gods eternally young
Jotun, Jotunn - (Norse mythology) one of a race of giants often in conflict with the Aesir
Loki - (Norse mythology) trickster; god of discord and mischief; contrived death of Balder and was overcome by Thor
Mimir - (Norse mythology) giant who lives in the roots of Yggdrasil and guards the well of wisdom
Nanna - (Norse mythology) wife of Balder
Njord, Njorth - (Norse mythology) chief of the Vanir; god of the sea and winds and prosperity; father of Frey and Freya; sometimes subsumes Teutonic Nerthus
Norn, weird sister - (Norse mythology) any of the three goddesses of destiny; identified with Anglo-Saxon Wyrd; similar to Greek Moirae and Roman Parcae
Odin - (Norse mythology) ruler of the Aesir; supreme god of war and poetry and knowledge and wisdom (for which he gave an eye) and husband of Frigg; identified with the Teutonic Wotan
Sif - (Norse mythology) wife of Thor and guardian of the home
Sigyn - (Norse mythology) wife of Loki; held a cup over him during his punishment to spare him the pain of drops of poison
Thor - (Norse mythology) god of thunder and rain and farming; pictured as wielding a hammer emblematic of the thunderbolt; identified with Teutonic Donar
Tyr, Tyrr - (Norse mythology) god of war and strife and son of Odin; identified with Anglo-Saxon Tiu
Ull, Ullr - (Norse mythology) one of the Aesir known for his beauty and skill with bow and skis; son of Sif and stepson of Thor
Vali - (Norse mythology) one of the Aesir and avenger of Balder; son of Odin
Vidar, Vithar, Vitharr - (Norse mythology) one of the Aesir; son of Odin; avenges his parent by slaying Fenrir at Ragnarok
Fenrir - (Norse mythology) an enormous wolf that was fathered by Loki and that killed Odin
Volund - (Norse mythology) a wonderful smith; identified with Anglo-Saxon Wayland and Teutonic Wieland
Ygdrasil, Yggdrasil - (Norse mythology) a huge ash tree whose roots and branches hold the earth and Heaven and Hell together
Ymir - (Norse mythology) the primeval giant slain by Odin and his brothers and from whose body they created the world: the sea from his blood; the earth from his flesh; the mountains from his bones; the sky from his skull
Brunhild, Brunnhilde, Brynhild - a Valkyrie or a queen in the Nibelungenlied who loved the hero Siegfried; when he deceived her she had him killed and then committed suicide
Valkyrie - (Norse mythology) one of the maidens of Odin who chose heroes to be slain in battle and conducted them to Valhalla
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References in periodicals archive ?
Youthful exuberance romps through Blaise Hemingway, Greg Erb and Jason Oremland's scattershot screenplay, which breathlessly slingshots from Norse mythology and the rootin' tootin' Wild West to a prehistoric land before time and gladiatorial Rome.
Among the topics are the North: a cultural stereotype between metaphor and racial essentialism, whether Nordic mythology is Nordic or national or both: competing national appropriations of Nordic mythology in early-19th-century Scandinavia, Norse mythology in Icelandic fiction about the Second World War, heirs of Lonnrot: from Longfellow to Tolkien, Kalevala in international masks: a Japanese Aino and Kalevala, and crossing the borders: Loki and the decline of the nation state.
Norse mythology contains such powerful language and rich storytelling it felt only right that the AM-RB 003 should follow the Valkyrie's theme."
Vinabod, on Vernon Street in the town centre, will boast an interior inspired by Norse mythology, complete with handmade wooden furniture, faux fur animal skins, and ornaments made of 'bones.'.
It was also used as a sign of love and friendship in Norse mythology and that's where the custom of kissing under Mistletoe comes from.
Kratos returns in the world of Norse mythology and embarks on a journey with his son Atreus and gives us some of the best gaming moments of the past 10 years.
Lynn Scott, director of many of the NQSC's productions over the last 15 years, reignited an old interest in Norse mythology - and 'That Viking Panto' is the result.
Inspired by the Norse Mythology, the drama series also features John Estrada as Loki, the god of deception; Andrea Torres as Sif, the last wife of Thor; Pancho Magno as Modi, Thor's son; and Miguel Faustman as Magni/Magnus, the other son of Thor.
The actor, who stars in the upcoming TV series 'Victor Magtanggol,' which is based on Norse mythology, seems to have bulked up for the title role based on the sexy shots.
Unlike the previous installments, this new entry in the franchise is loosely based in Norse mythology instead of Greek mythology.
This fantasy is rich in Norse Mythology, which means readers, particularly those new to this world, will spend a lot of time consulting the extensive glossary at the end to find out who is doing what to whom.
Norse Mythology, Neil Gaiman Chart courtesy of Waterstones BEST-SELLING KINDLE E-BOOKS 1.