New World warbler

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Noun1.New World warbler - small bright-colored American songbird with a weak unmusical song
warbler - a small active songbird
family Parulidae, Parulidae - New World warblers
northern parula, Parula americana, parula warbler - small grey-blue wood warbler with yellow throat and breast; of eastern North America
Wilsonia pusilla, Wilson's blackcap, Wilson's warbler - yellow wood warbler with a black crown
flycatching warbler - any of numerous American wood warblers that feed on insects caught on the wing
Cape May warbler, Dendroica tigrina - North American wood warbler; olive green and yellow striped with black
Dendroica petechia, golden warbler, yellow warbler, yellowbird - yellow-throated American wood warbler
Blackburn, Blackburnian warbler, Dendroica fusca - black-and-white North American wood warbler having an orange-and-black head and throat
Audubon warbler, Audubon's warbler, Dendroica auduboni - common warbler of western North America
Dendroica coronata, myrtle bird, myrtle warbler - similar to Audubon's warbler
blackpoll, Dendroica striate - North American warbler having a black-and-white head
New World chat, chat - birds having a chattering call
ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapillus - American warbler; builds a dome-shaped nest on the ground
water thrush - brownish North American warbler found near streams
yellowthroat - small olive-colored American warblers with yellow breast and throat
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Weavers; Sugarbirds; Flowerpeckers; Sunbirds and Spiderhunters; Berrypickers; Crested and Tit Berrypicker; Fringillids; Hawaiian Honeycreepers; New World Warblers; Emberizids; Icterids; Broad Billed Snapayoa.
Some attempt has been made to evaluate the importance of regional influences on speciation rates and the generation of species diversity in the New World Warblers (Mengel 1967; Greenberg 1979; Bermingham et al.