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Related to Navy SEAL: Delta Force


- A member of the special forces unit for the US Navy who is trained for unconventional warfare on sea, air, and land.
See also related terms for trained.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Navy SEAL - a member of a Naval Special Warfare unit who is trained for unconventional warfareNavy SEAL - a member of a Naval Special Warfare unit who is trained for unconventional warfare; "SEAL is an acronym for Sea Air and Land"
Naval Special Warfare, NSW - the agency that provides units to conduct unconventional and counter-guerilla warfare
armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
bluejacket, navy man, sailor boy, sailor - a serviceman in the navy
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- US defense officials on Thursday ordered a Navy SEAL platoon in Iraq to return home after an investigation showed they had been consuming alcohol while on deployment.
Belgian Malinois breed rose to prominence after reports that a dog of the same breed accompanied the US Navy Seal team that killed Osama Bin Laden.
Navy SEAL platoon commander acquitted of murdering a captured Islamic State fighter but convicted of unlawfully posing for photos with his dead body was sentenced on Wednesday to a demotion in rank and pay.
Summary: Prosecutors said Friday that they would not drop premeditated murder charges against a Navy SEAL charged with stabbing to death a teenaged Daesh (ISIS) militant in Iraq in 2017 after another SEAL told a court martial he killed the prisoner.
ANTHONY JOSHUA has enlisted the help of a former US Navy Seal to take down Andy Ruiz Junior.
"I have a lot of information from what I've done over the years, I've gone through so much - and the Navy Seal just brought in the clarity we needed.
Preview scenes and the trailer of the next episode tease the case to involve a Navy Seal.
Olson was the first Navy SEAL to be appointed to three-star and tour-star flag ranks, as well as the first Navy officer to be SOCOM's combatant commander.
SAN DIEGO -- A decorated Navy SEAL pleaded not guilty Friday to charges of premeditated murder and other crimes in the stabbing death of a teenage Islamic State prisoner in Iraq last year and the shooting of unarmed Iraqi civilians.
Michael Murphy Navy Seal Museum was awarded $300,000 to support the first phase of the construction of an institution in West Sayville.
All 12 boys and their soccer coach trapped for more than two weeks deep inside a flood Thai cave have been rescued, a Thai navy SEAL unit said on Tuesday, a successful end to a perilous mission that has gripped the world.
The massive operation inside and around Tham Luang Nang Non cave in Chiang Rai province suffered its first fatality yesterday when a former Thai navy Seal passed out underwater on an overnight mission and was unable to be revived.

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