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A report from NPD identified the policeman as Patrolman Jun Acosta, 32, who is assigned at the District Police Intelligence Operation Unit (DPIOU) of NPD.
Major General Guillermo Eleazar, National Capital Regional Police Office (NCRPO) director, led the inauguration and blessing of the NPD CLO.
Six of the loose firearms were confiscated by the NPD.
The detection of vacuolated cells in peripheral blood smears or bone marrow is indicative of NPD but not exclusive to it.
By virtue of their upbringing, Gen Zers are unintentional foodies and were raised in a culture that talks about, celebrates and entertains with food, according to "Make it Happen for Gen Zs," an NPD report based on the study.
In the countdown to German federal elections this September, the NPD has been eclipsed on the right end of the political spectrum by the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany -- which has seen support jump as high as 15% in opinion polls -- and it has failed to capitalize on the refugee crisis.
There are two subsets of NPD practitioners--NPD generalists and NPD specialists.
* An annual Family Support and Medical Conference which has grown 20-fold, with separate sessions for NPD types A and B, and type C disease groups.
toy sales grew a stellar 7.5% in the first half of this year, outpacing first-half growth in 2015, when full-year growth ended up at 6.7%, according to NPD. The biggest driver: Star Wars, with dollar sales for toys based on the franchise increasing nearly 200% for the year through June, representing $300 million in consumer sales.
When looking at the snack-oriented food groups, the day typically starts healthy with better-for-you snacks, which are typically consumed throughout the day depending on location, savory picks up mid-day, and in the evening there's a desire for sweet, according to NPD's "Snacking in America" report.