
Related to Muchel: muscle, Michel


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Eider to lutel and to muchel scal punchen [Dgb: penchen; Eg(2): dinche] eft hom bape.
5r (line 22) we find "so muchel wat [[blank].sup.euere] we in ""is worlde are".
"Gret is my wo," quod she, and sighte soore As she that feleth dedly sharp distresse; "But yit to me his sorwe is muchel more, That love hym bet than he hymself, I gesse." (4.897-900) The corresponding passage, Il Filostrato 4/104.1-2, reads, "--Grande e--disse Criseida--il mio dolore, / come di quella che piu di se l'ama ..." ("'My grief is great,' said Criseida, 'as befits one who loves him more than herself,'" Havely p.
326 (Camb.) Went [= go] vt of my bur Wip muchel mesauentur.
Like the summoner of his tale, Hubert the Friar operates out of multiple discursive registers, and as the Chaucerian narrator notes in the General Prologue, the Friar's principal tool is his ability to manipulate language for specific discursive effects: No other friar has "So muchel of daliaunce and fair langage" (A.211), and Hubert's skillful begging always yields a profit (254-55).
c1275 (?al200) Fulgenes vt of Scot-len muchel scade makede 5153) & nim al i pire hond mine castles & mi lon.
Ther was greet showyvng bothe to and fro To lifte hym up, and muchel care and wo, So unweeldy was this sory palled goost.
Also the grete pacience which the seintes that been in Paradys han had in tribulaciouns that they han ysuffred, withouten hit desert or gilt, oghte muchel stiren yow to pacience.
"In curteisie was set ful muchel hir lest": Politeness in Middle English.
The prepositional phrase withoute (n) more is occasionally to be found as a line-filler and rhyme-tag in Middle English poetry.(1) OED and MED take more to be the comparative of muchel and the meaning of the phrase to be 'without anything further or additional', but the senses 'without delay' and 'unhesitatingly' are also given.(2) The latter definitions should have caused the lexicographers to stop and consider whether more is not here, in fact, an aphetic form of the Old French and Middle English noun demote 'delay' (cf.