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(French mistɛ̃ɡɛt)
(Biography) original name Jeanne-Marie Bourgeois. 1875–1956, French dancer, chanteuse, and entertainer
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Sablon joined the popular Mistinguett at the Casino de Paris.
Jane Avril, La Goulue, Mistinguett, and Robe En Strass are amongst the lucky stars that helped set the opulent costume standards.
Even faster is "Voyage a Paris." The words, which Poulenc himself called "deliciously stupid," are a homage to Paris by its adopted son Apollinaire, and seemed to Poulenc a most tempting morsel: "To anyone who knows me it will seem natural that I should open my mouth like a carp to snap up the deliciously stupid lines of 'Voyage a Paris'." By setting them as a hectic valse-musette--a tongue-in-cheek treatment, as the prescribed falsetto note in measure 53 attests--Poulenc was alluding to the many songs in praise of Paris performed by music hall artists like Mistinguett or Maurice Chevalier.
"I also have a collection of rare feathers I got from a famous place in France that supplied feathers to Josephine Baker, Mistinguett, and all the showgirls in Paris for 300 years.
At the opening weekend's close, at a winning late-night cabaret in the bar of White s Hotel, Paulin again showed her novice colleagues just how it should be done, with a chicly Gallic account of the old Mistinguett standby, "Je cherche un millionaire" and a reading of "Send In the Clowns'5 that magically achieved that overworked classics ideal balance of irony, sentiment and simplicity (not to mention proper tuning).
While Bullard owned Le Grand Duc, from 1928 to the early 1930s, celebrities such as Josephine Baker (who was a babysitter for his daughter), her nemesis the French starlet Mistinguett, Jimmy Walker, the Dolly Sisters, Pearl White, F.
We had been under pressure a long way out, but he ran on well to win by four lengths from Carl Llewellyn on Mistinguett.
Reconstruido en 1922, Jacques-Charles lo transformo en uno de los mas celebres music-halls del mundo gracias a la presencia de estrellas como Mistinguett, Josephine Baker, Jeanne Aubert o Maurice Chevalier.
Our suite - the Mistinguett - doesn't face the gardens but it does have its own private balcony, perfect for pre or post dinner drinks during the summer months, I imagine.
His big chance came in 1909 when he joined the Folies Bergere and was given the opportunity to partner the almost legendary Mistinguett. After his war service he starred at the Cafe de Paris.