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n.1.(Zool.) The dorsal portion of the metaphorax of insects.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Pronotum broader than meso and metanotum, mesonotum compressed laterally, metanotum without spines or teeth.
Mesosoma about as wide as head width; mesoscutum 1.5x wider than long, 2.4x longer than mesoscutellum, 4.2x longer than metanotum; propodeum with basal part about 0.9x mesoscutellum length in dorsal view; protibial spur with apical portion of rachis long, about as long as malus, with four elongate branches (not including apical portion of rachis); mesotibial spur straight, with coarse branches, 0.8x mesobasitarsus length; metatibial spurs about the same length, curved apically; pretarsal claws with inner ramus slightly shorter than the outer.
Mesonotum sculptured with transverse striae, median pair of setae situated on the posterior margin; metanotum sculptured with longitudinal line laterally, median part with inversus U shaped striae.
Rear margin of metanotum almost straight, hardly at all emarginate in midline.
The genus Acerentuloides is characterized by 2 pairs of A-setae on the mesonotum and metanotum; 3 setae on the 2nd and 3rd pair of abdominal legs, of which the apical median seta is minute; well developed labial palpus with terminal tuft of setae and broadened sensillum; maxillary gland with small, smooth, globular vesicle or granulated appendix on the calyx and with several small globules in distal part; some setae modified as short, thickened sensilla (sd5 on head; [beta]1 and [delta]4 on foretarsus; setae P4 on metanotum, M2 on prosternum, and A2 on thoracic sterna; and accessory setae on tergites and sternites I--VI); 6 setae on sternite VIII; anterior position of seta P3 on abdominal tergites II--VI; developed striate band with clearly visible parallel-sided striae.
These organs begin to appear after one or two molts, as expansions of lateral -posterior edge of meso and metanotum. These wing buds, after being extended, they are turned with their underside and consequently wings partially covering the elytra [9].
Tegmina and wings represented by well-veined lateral pads: mesonotum and metanotum with a distinct medial carination.
Metanotum and propodeum medially with a raised foamy whitish structure which in dorsal view is 1.2x as wide as long, slightly less than half as wide as scutellum (6:13), and as long.