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informal a person, esp a middle-aged or elderly man, who is habitually peevish, pessimistic, and cynical; curmudgeon
[C20: named after Victor Meldrew, curmudgeonly hero of the 1990s BBC television situation comedy One Foot in the Grave, written by David Renwick]
ˈMeldrewish adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The reference to the legendary 'Victor Meldrew' and all the things that are thrown at us in everyday life was spot on.
ICTOR Meldrew was not a healthy man, according to research from Canadian scientists.
The People's Memories IHAD a real 'Victor Meldrew' moment this week when I pulled up alongside someone whose car radio couldn't be any louder.
An Evening with Victor Meldrew - the one-man show he had to cancel due to his heart issues.
Richard, who recently turned 80, is best known for playing grumpy Victor Meldrew in the BBC sitcom.
John Arthur Jones was yesterday compared to Victor Meldrew by his own barrister, Lisa Judge, as he filmed the activities of pilots above his home.
AS soon as we lose a game he goes from Pardew to (Victor) Meldrew.
There is a lot of Victor Meldrew in Neil, as many referees and opposing players will confirm, but he also brings great experience, as well as psychology, chiropody and a lifetime of tactical awareness to Selhurst Park.
Pairing up Victor Meldrew with Animal from The Muppets doesn't immediately sound like a managerial dream team.
I KNOW this will sound like a 'Meldrew rant', but I cannot believe that, in one of the richest economies in the world, the City of Newcastle upon Tyne is facing such swingeing financial cuts to so many services such as libraries and swimming pools that most of its citizens hold near and dear.
It was the second time in a week that I'd had a Victor Meldrew moment.
Best Known for: His role as acerbic pensioner Victor Meldrew. Early life: Iain Richard Wilson was born on July 9, 1936, in Greenock, Renfrewshire.