

n.1.Apit where marl is dug.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
FONTWELL: 1.40 Bon Enfant, 2.10 Kassis, 2.40 Avispa, 3.10 Carobello, 3.40 Marlpit Oak, 4.10 Briac.
In 2014 the Friends of Marlpit Lane Bowling Green re-opened the restored green to the public for an extremely successful first season.
Marlpit Cottage, which is in Netherwood Lane, is just a minute's drive from the National Trust property Baddesley Clinton, within an area of particular natural beauty.
FONTWELL: 5.15 Country Foolery, 5.45 Jacks Lastchance, 6.15 Gamato, 6.50 Double Dizzy, 7.25 Rossmore Lad, 7.55 6.15 Gamato, 6.50 Double Dizzy, 7.25 Rossmore Lad, 7.55 Marlpit Oak, 8.25 Utopian.
FONTWELL: 5.15 Country Foolery, 5.45 Jacks Lastchance, 6.15 Earl Grez, 6.50 Double Dizzy, 7.25 Rossmore Lad, 7.55 Marlpit Oak, 8.25 Utopian.
NAOMI MATTHEW: 5.15 Country Foolery, 5.45 Jacks Lastchance, 6.15 Earl Grez, 6.50 Double Dizzy, 7.25 Rossmore Lad, 7.55 Marlpit Oak, 8.25 Utopian.
The video depicts each artist creating a piece over five days within the environment of Ibstock Brick's marlpit. I cannot say I found this memorable and was certainly more aware of the galleries uncomfortable interior than the impact created by any of the pieces.
FONTWELL 5.15 Country Foolery 5.45 Jacks Lastchance 6.15 Gamato 6.50 Double Dizzy 7.25 Rossmore Lad 7.55 Marlpit Oak 8.25 Utopian.
Thieves stole items including a gold and silver Tag Heuer watch worth pounds 1,000 and a ladies silver DKNY watch from a property on Marlpit Lane, Redditch, on January 10.
But self-confessed Christmas fan John, of Marlpit Lane, Four Oaks, said all the hard work was a labour of love.