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Noun1.Malvaceae - herbs and shrubs and some trees: mallowsMalvaceae - herbs and shrubs and some trees: mallows; cotton; okra
dilleniid dicot family - family of more or less advanced dicotyledonous trees and shrubs and herbs
Malvales, order Malvales - Malvaceae; Bombacaceae; Elaeocarpaceae; Sterculiaceae; Tiliaceae
genus Malva, Malva - herbs and subshrubs: mallows
mallow - any of various plants of the family Malvaceae
Abelmoschus, genus Abelmoschus - genus of tropical coarse herbs having large lobed leaves and often yellow flowers
Abutilon, genus Abutilon - herbs or shrubs or small trees: flowering maple; Indian mallow
Alcea, genus Alcea - genus of erect herbs of the Middle East having showy flowers: hollyhocks; in some classification systems synonymous with genus Althaea
genus Althaea - hollyhocks; in some classification systems synonymous with genus Alcea
Callirhoe, genus Callirhoe - small genus of North American herbs having usually red or purple flowers
genus Gossypium, Gossypium - herbs and shrubs and small trees: cotton
genus Hibiscus - large genus of tropical and subtropical herbs and shrubs and trees often grown as ornamentals for their profusion of large flowers in a variety of colors
genus Hoheria, Hoheria - small genus of shrubs and small trees of New Zealand: lacebarks
genus Iliamna, Iliamna - small genus of perennial herbs or subshrubs; some often placed in other genera
genus Kosteletzya, Kosteletzya - small genus of herbs of southeastern United States and tropical America and Africa
genus Lavatera, Lavatera - widespread genus of herbs or softwood arborescent shrubs cultivated for their showy flowers
genus Malacothamnus, Malacothamnus - genus of shrubs or small trees: chaparral mallow
genus Malope - small genus of chiefly European herbs
genus Malvastrum, Malvastrum - genus of mallows characterized by red and yellow flowers often placed in other genera
genus Malvaviscus, Malvaviscus - small genus of shrubs of Central and South America: wax mallows
genus Napaea, Napaea - one species: glade mallow
genus Pavonia - genus of tropical hairy shrubs or herbs of tropics and subtropics especially South America
genus Plagianthus, Plagianthus - small genus of shrubs and trees of Australia and New Zealand
genus Radyera, Radyera - very small genus of shrubs of southern hemisphere: bush hibiscus
genus Sida, Sida - large genus of tropical subshrubs or herbs some of which yield fibers of mucilaginous substances
genus Sidalcea, Sidalcea - genus of showy plants of western North America having palmate leaves and variously colored racemose flowers
genus Sphaeralcea, Sphaeralcea - large genus of chiefly tropical herbs with showy flowers and mostly globose fruits: globe mallows
genus Thespesia, Thespesia - a small genus of tropical trees including the portia tree
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References in periodicals archive ?
Breeding System, sex ratio and individual size of the gynodioecious Nototriche compacta (Malvaceae) in the Andes of Central Chile.
The durian tree is tropical in origin and belongs to the family of Malvaceae, in the genus, Durio; a large family of plant species which also include some of the interesting relatives such as okra, cocoa beans, hibiscus, and cotton.
Hibiscus rosa sinensis (family - Malvaceae) is a perennial shrub available throughout India.
Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet Indian Mallow (Malvaceae) 10.
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a plant in the Malvaceae family that is a multi-purpose crop, but commonly consumed for its green tender fruits as a vegetable.The most well-known characteristic of okra is its slimy nature.
It infests various hosts such as Citrus (Rutaceae), Robinia (Hemiuridae), Macadamia (Proteaceae), Pithecellobium (Fabaceae), Theobroma (Malvaceae), Psidium (Myrtaceae) (Adamski & Brown 2001), and Plukenetia (Euphorbiaceae) (Leandro 2013).
The floristic classification indicates that the five most representative families were: Fabaceae (eight species), Anacardiaceae (four species), Malvaceae (four species) and Myrtaceae (four species), constituting 40.12% of the total species listed.
Part of the Mallows (Malvaceae) family, okra (Abelmoschus esculentum) is related to cotton, hollyhock, and hibiscus.
Besides infecting cultivated plants, begomoviruses are found in a wide range of wild/non-cultivated hosts, especially those belonging to the families Malvaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Fabaceae (Morales, 2010).